
Research Leader Programme

Research Leader Programme

In 2017, the Novo Nordisk Foundation established an ambitious Research Leader Programme targeting the most skilled and talented research leaders at different stages of their careers at universities, hospitals and other research institutions in Denmark and the other Nordic countries.

The Programme, in which the Foundation awards substantial grants of up to DKK 10 million over 5 years, supports both young talented researchers in the early establishment phase, talented research leaders at the mid-career stage and established professors at a high international level.

The 5-year grants enable researchers to pursue ambitious projects across a wide range of topics, including within medical and biotechnological research. The knowledge from these projects can contribute to advances in such fields as health, disease and environment-friendly production methods that mitigate climate change.

The Foundation awards grants based on applications submitted in open competition.

“The Programme aims to support the continuing development of top researchers by providing them the opportunity to pursue important and ambitious projects based on a long-term grant, thereby ensuring focus, continuity and stability in their projects,” says Niels-Henrik von Holstein-Rathlou, Senior Vice President, Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Read more about the Programme and the research fields covered at the Research Leader Programme website.